Vessel Management & Manning

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Vessel Management

decades-deep expertise

Southern Ocean Solutions is fortunate to have a team with decades of experience in vessel management.  With ongoing contracts and a long and proven track record of managing diverse fleets both domestically and internationally, we ensure the safe and efficient operation of vessels. Of course, throughout this process we maintain compliance with regulations and continue to deliver world-class service.

Service & Maintenance

service, support, assurance

SOS has established entities in Australia and New Zealand to support our operations, vessels, and contracted services. Our local presence enables us to provide warranty, servicing, maintenance, and warehousing of spares and consumables, all managed and carried out by our own full-time Australian and New Zealand employees.

Engineering Management

the key to seamless operations

Effective engineering management is crucial for the seamless operation of any vessel. Adhering to the owner’s Planned Maintenance System (PMS) and meticulously overseeing critical spare parts, consumables, and contractor relationships are pivotal in ensuring reliability and cost-effectiveness. While cutting corners may seem tempting to reduce immediate maintenance costs, it often results in higher expenses in the long term, especially upon returning the asset. Poorly managed engineering during the charter period can lead to exorbitant expenditures.

At SOS, we understand the significance of proactive and efficient engineering management. Our experienced team excels in managing various vessel types and collaborating with international crews. Leveraging international crews can significantly reduce contractor expenses, as they often handle a substantial portion of maintenance tasks themselves. Unlike Australian crews, who typically rely on shore contractors for maintenance work, international crews bring a cost-saving advantage.

Another critical aspect of engineering management is the oversight of bunkers and lube oils. Inadequate management in this area can result in significantly inflated costs. Effective purchasing strategies for fuel, coupled with onboard fuel consumption monitoring, are essential for cost reduction and environmental conservation. Both ship and shore personnel must actively collaborate to manage fuel consumption and minimize emissions.

Voyage Management


Voyage management requires specialist knowledge and involves planning the passage, issuing voyage orders, ensuring the vessel’s readiness (charts, documents, fuel, water, food, spare parts, etc.), scheduling port services (pilots, tugs, quarantine clearance, customs, stevedores, port dues, etc.), and reporting the voyage results.  

SOS has extensive experience in this field with a dedicated Operations Superintendent ensuring safe and efficient voyages. Proper management is crucial as even the best ship can’t succeed without it. Time wasted due to inadequate scheduling, monitoring, and management directly impacts profitability in the shipping industry. 

Crew Management


The meticulous selection and management of crews play a pivotal role in the seamless operation of any asset. While it’s possible to recruit individuals solely based on resumes and qualifications, there’s no guarantee of their willingness to collaborate or embrace productivity enhancements. At SOS, we understand the significance of assembling a cohesive team that not only possesses the necessary skills but is also aligned with our goals for efficiency and innovation.

With years of experience, our established crews have been integral to the success of numerous projects. Their track record speaks for itself. Our team have consistently demonstrated a proactive attitude towards productivity improvements and operational efficiencies. Unlike the challenges often associated with changing individual crew members under Australian industrial arrangements, we offer a straightforward solution. Should the need arise, we can swiftly substitute crew members with minimal disruption, with the only additional expense being airfares. This flexibility enables us to cultivate onboard teams dedicated to the success of your project.

At SOS, we recognise that unforeseen circumstances such as leave, illness, or family obligations may necessitate the replacement of crew members. That’s why we maintain a readily available pool of skilled professionals to seamlessly fill any gaps, whether scheduled or unscheduled. This ensures uninterrupted service 365 days a year, allowing you to focus on your operations with peace of mind.

Furthermore, we understand that effective victualling is an often-overlooked aspect of crew management. Crews embarking on extended voyages consume significant supplies, making efficient purchasing management essential to controlling costs and maintaining optimal supply levels. Our meticulous approach to victualling ensures that supplies are procured and delivered promptly, guaranteeing uninterrupted operations and satisfied crews.

Safety & Compliance


Safety and compliance stand as cornerstones in vessel management, embodying our commitment to excellence. Vessels navigating under the ISM code require a meticulously audited Safety Management System (SMS) for international voyages. Our expertise extends to offering various options for SMS implementation, including utilising our robust system, seamlessly integrating the owner’s SMS with a bridging document, or incorporating the crewing agent’s SMS.

Crew management aligns with the standards set forth by the MLC convention, guaranteeing equitable compensation, proficient qualifications, superior accommodation, and nourishment while unequivocally prohibiting any form of exploitation or child labour. Our dedication to compliance not only entails strict adherence but also extends to effectively showcasing our regulatory compliance to external stakeholders and maintaining diligent records.

In navigating the stringent Port State Inspection regimes enforced by Australia and NZ, our experience and proficiency shine, ensuring that vessels under our management not only meet but exceed safety and compliance standards. This dedication safeguards against vessel detention and mitigates the risk of blacklisting from Australian and NZ ports, showcasing our unwavering commitment to safety and compliance excellence.



SOS have the inhouse ability to provide customers with peace of mind in every shipment with our accredited team of licensed stevedores. As seasoned experts in maritime logistics, we adhere to stringent industry regulations and standards, ensuring the safe and efficient handling of your cargo. With our specialised knowledge and commitment to excellence, we offer comprehensive solutions tailored to meet your unique needs. Whether loading, unloading, or trans-shipping, entrust your goods to our licensed expertise and experience the difference in reliable and professional service.

Operational Assessments

offering expert insight

The team at SOS specialise in delivering comprehensive operational assessments tailored to meet the unique needs of vessel operations across diverse industries. Leveraging our expertise and methodologies, we meticulously evaluate every aspect of your vessel’s functionality, from performance metrics to safety protocols.

Our team of seasoned professionals rigorously analyse data, identify potential areas for optimisation, and offer actionable insights to enhance efficiency and mitigate risks. Whether you’re navigating the challenges of maritime logistics or ensuring regulatory compliance, our operational assessments empower you with the knowledge and strategies needed to excel in today’s dynamic maritime landscape. Partner with us and elevate your vessel operations to new heights of excellence.

Management of Class, Survey & Flag

smooth sailing

SOS manage and navigate the intricacies of class, survey, and flag requirements to ensure smooth sailing for our clients. With meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of maritime regulations, we expertly handle all aspects of vessel operations. From coordinating with classification societies to conducting thorough surveys, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of safety and compliance. Our team combines technical expertise with efficient management practices to optimise vessel performance while minimising risks. Trust us to streamline your operations and keep your vessels sailing with confidence.

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